What led us to start Grove Community Church?


Our Lead Pastor Jonathan Baker, has wrestled with God’s call on his life to start a church for many years. What was once labeled as ‘impossible’ during the early years of his ministry, has since developed into a reality. For every valid excuse he had to not start a church, God not only challenged its veracity, but filled the doubtful corners of his mind with the reminder that obedience to God, glorifies Him, not ourselves. 
After a year long season of prayer we have taken an intimidating yet exciting step of faith by starting Grove Community Church. God has brought together an incredible team of people, churches, and organizations who are committed to this church and its mission. They have come alongside, believing God is going to do something unexplainable yet undeniable in and through this church and community.
We are committed to being a church where lost people are found, the sick are healed, hurting hearts are restored, restless souls are awakened, prodigals come home, and families are strengthened. Confession and repentance will be championed as we cling to the cross of Jesus. We will be a community that is inclusive. You are welcomed and wanted here.
We are incredibly excited to see what God does in and through us!


God has brought together an incredible team of churches and organizations who are committed to this church and its mission. 
Waterloo Road Baptist Church
Chisholm Heights Baptist Church
Capital Baptist Association
Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma (BGCO) 
Association of Related Churches (ARC)